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Fertility Blog

Whether you're years away from planning kids or have been trying for a while, our blog provides fertility education and insights for those who want to better understand their body.

drtanyawilliams July 12, 2024
Navigating Motherhood in Your 40s – Everything You Need to Know

Navigating Motherhood in Your 40s – Everything You Need to Know

We are living in a time where more and more women are contemplating starting...

drtanyawilliams May 10, 2024
Boosting Sperm Health with Omega-3 Supplements – What You Need to Know

Boosting Sperm Health with Omega-3 Supplements – What You Need to Know

In the realm of fertility and reproductive health, attention often focuses on female factors....

drtanyawilliams March 14, 2024
How Sugar Impacts Fertility

How Sugar Impacts Fertility

In the pursuit of optimal fertility, various lifestyle factors come under scrutiny. In particular,...

drtanyawilliams January 8, 2024
My REI Journey: From Challenge to Passion

My REI Journey: From Challenge to Passion

Dear Readers, My journey into Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) has been both fascinating...

drtanyawilliams December 5, 2023
Supporting Friends Through Infertility During The Holidays

Supporting Friends Through Infertility During The Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, it’s a time for joy, celebration, and connecting with...

drtanyawilliams November 29, 2023
The Vaginal and Uterine Microbiome: A Window into Fertility and Vaginal Health

The Vaginal and Uterine Microbiome: A Window into Fertility and Vaginal Health

Find out how your vaginal and uterine microbiome influence fertility outcomes. Learn about solutions like probiotics and healthy lifestyle changes for a balanced…

drtanyawilliams September 27, 2023
Are Your Fitness Goals Helping or Hurting Your Fertility

Are Your Fitness Goals Helping or Hurting Your Fertility

Discover how your fitness goals may impact your fertility. Get answers to common questions and explore the latest findings on exercise, fasting, protein powder,…

drtanyawilliams July 19, 2023
Master Your Menstrual Cycle

Master Your Menstrual Cycle

Understand your menstrual cycle to improve your chances of getting pregnant. Learn what you need to know, from ovulation and menstruation basics, to timing sex in…

drtanyawilliams May 25, 2023

6 Steps to Mentally Prepare for your IVF Journey

The IVF journey is a challenge for even the most prepared individuals and couples....

drtanyawilliams March 28, 2023
Gender Bias in Medical Research: The Missing Other Half of Medicine

Gender Bias in Medical Research: The Missing Other Half of Medicine

Gender bias in healthcare means women are underrepresented in research, which causes serious problems in diagnosis and treatment for women. Learn why it matters…

drtanyawilliams February 28, 2023
The Hidden Struggles of Black Women with Infertility: Three Women’s Stories

The Hidden Struggles of Black Women with Infertility: Three Women’s Stories

Black women face unique challenges around accessing infertility care. Hear the stories of three Black women as they share their struggles with financial barriers,…

drtanyawilliams January 19, 2023
Vitamin D Deficiency and its Link to Fertility: What You Need to Know

Vitamin D Deficiency and its Link to Fertility: What You Need to Know

Discover how vitamin D deficiency affects fertility, and what to do if you're not getting enough sunlight. Learn about why this vitamin is important, the problems…

drtanyawilliams December 21, 2022
7 Practices to Cope with Infertility during the Holidays

7 Practices to Cope with Infertility during the Holidays

The holidays are not an easy time for those struggling with infertility. While this time of year is sure to bring up challenges, there are tools you can use to make…

drtanyawilliams November 28, 2022
Erectile Dysfunction: Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment

Erectile dysfunction may be a taboo subject, but it's important to talk to your doctor about causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. This blog will break the…

drtanyawilliams October 24, 2022
What to Do After Recurrent Miscarriage: Tests & Treatment Options

What to Do After Recurrent Miscarriage: Tests & Treatment Options

If you’ve had one or multiple miscarriages, this guide will help you navigate the tests and treatment options available to build your family.

drtanyawilliams September 30, 2022
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT): Is it Right for You?

Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT): Is it Right for You?

If you’re on your IVF journey, you might have heard of preimplantation genetic testing,...

drtanyawilliams August 29, 2022
Fertility Supplements: Which ones actually work? 

Fertility Supplements: Which ones actually work? 

If you’re thinking about how to boost fertility in your 30s, then you might...

drtanyawilliams July 27, 2022
Should I freeze my eggs: How, when, why, and why not 

Should I freeze my eggs: How, when, why, and why not 

So you’re a biological woman between the ages of 25 and 45, and you’re...

drtanyawilliams June 22, 2022
How Can a Gay Couple Have a Baby: Moe and Tamar’s IVF Story

How Can a Gay Couple Have a Baby: Moe and Tamar’s IVF Story

In honour of Pride Month, we are sharing the story of Moe and Tamar,...

drtanyawilliams June 7, 2022
7 Health Tips to Support Fertility

7 Health Tips to Support Fertility

It’s never too early to start thinking about your reproductive health and how to...

drtanyawilliams April 28, 2022
4 Holistic Methods to Reduce Infertility Stress

4 Holistic Methods to Reduce Infertility Stress

This National Stress Awareness Month, we’re taking the opportunity to talk about the stress...

drtanyawilliams March 31, 2022
So Much More than Period Pain: Marissa’s Journey with Endometriosis

So Much More than Period Pain: Marissa’s Journey with Endometriosis

Endometriosis affects about 10% of women and girls of reproductive age globally. Although its impacts...

drtanyawilliams December 8, 2021
Why Self-Love is Critical During Infertility & How To Harness It

Why Self-Love is Critical During Infertility & How To Harness It

Seven in 10 women experiencing infertility say that it makes them feel “inadequate”, according to a 2010 survey. The shock and disappointment of infertility…

drtanyawilliams November 30, 2021
The Taboo of Miscarriage: Why We Need To Talk About It

The Taboo of Miscarriage: Why We Need To Talk About It

Miscarriages - let’s talk about them, because not enough people do. The taboos surrounding miscarriage make the loss even more devastating, because while other…

drtanyawilliams November 1, 2021
How Does Third-Party IVF Work?

How Does Third-Party IVF Work?

Third-Party In Vitro Fertilization is a legal and safe practice in Canada that serves as a viable option for patients looking to start a family. As reproductive…

drtanyawilliams September 29, 2021
PCOS: Why Your Diet Matters

PCOS: Why Your Diet Matters

Despite being a relatively common condition amongst women, there’s still much that we don’t know about polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS. For this reason, it…

TW Fertility Centre July 19, 2021
7 Major Reasons to Talk About Male Factor Infertility

7 Major Reasons to Talk About Male Factor Infertility

Male infertility is the cause of about 30% of all infertility cases. Yet, most discussion surrounding fertility is centered on women. This stigma can prevent…

TW Fertility Centre June 25, 2021
LGBTQ+ Fertility: Options and Considerations for Building Your Family [Infographic]

LGBTQ+ Fertility: Options and Considerations for Building Your Family [Infographic]

The sun is out and the birds are singing. That means it must be Pride Month! There’s no better time to talk about fertility options for LGBTQ+ couples. According…

TW Fertility Centre June 2, 2021
How Does Egg Freezing Really Work? 11 Things You Should Know

How Does Egg Freezing Really Work? 11 Things You Should Know

Freezing your eggs is one of the most common fertility treatment options for women and people with ovaries who currently aren’t ready to become parents. Chances…

TW Fertility Centre May 14, 2021
Is It Harder To Get Pregnant After Birth Control? 4 Must-Knows

Is It Harder To Get Pregnant After Birth Control? 4 Must-Knows

If you’re struggling to conceive, you might be looking at all the options available to you. In this search, you might wonder, “Can birth control help infertility?” There…

TW Fertility Centre May 5, 2021
Fertility Success Story: "I can say that I'm pregnant! And I'm going to shout it from the rooftops!"

Fertility Success Story: "I can say that I'm pregnant! And I'm going to shout it from the rooftops!"

When our patients begin their path toward successful fertility, the stress and anxiety can be overwhelming. At Dr. Tanya Williams Fertility Centre, we love sharing…

TW Fertility Centre April 21, 2021
Everything You Need To Know About IVF

Everything You Need To Know About IVF

With as many as 15% of Canadians turning to fertility treatments, there are several options available when trying to conceive. One of the most prevalent fertility…

TW Fertility Centre March 23, 2021
Meet the Women of Dr. Tanya Williams Fertility Center

Meet the Women of Dr. Tanya Williams Fertility Center

March is Women's History Month, and for us, it’s a time to reflect on all the contributions women have made and continue to make in our daily life. This year,…

TW Fertility Centre March 16, 2021
Fertility Diet: What to Eat When Trying to Get Pregnant

Fertility Diet: What to Eat When Trying to Get Pregnant

Making the decision to try to conceive is an exciting time for any family. As a woman trying to get pregnant, your journey to health should begin before you’re…

TW Fertility Centre February 17, 2021
Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for pregnancy?

Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for pregnancy?

Update November 10, 2021 Since the publishing date of this blog, several organizations have come forward to state that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and recommended…

TW Fertility Centre February 9, 2021
Fertility Success Story: Meet Jialinghuang and Carly ? ?

Fertility Success Story: Meet Jialinghuang and Carly ? ?

At Dr. Tanya Williams Fertility Centre, we believe sharing success stories inspires perseverance and hope to other couples trying to conceive. We know the fertility…

TW Fertility Centre January 22, 2021
Dr. Williams Answers your Questions about the Thyroid and Fertility

Dr. Williams Answers your Questions about the Thyroid and Fertility

Your thyroid might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your fertility. However, a healthy thyroid plays an essential role in your overall…

TW Fertility Centre January 14, 2021
Thinking About Getting Pregnant? Take Folic Acid

Thinking About Getting Pregnant? Take Folic Acid

Congratulations, you’re thinking about getting pregnant! If you’re ready to grow your family, chances are you’re already focusing on eating better, exercising…

TW Fertility Centre December 30, 2020
The Biggest Gaps in Women's Health Research

The Biggest Gaps in Women's Health Research

Have you ever wondered how sex and gender impacts health and wellness? Similar to how men and women often navigate the workplace differently due to gender bias,…

TW Fertility Centre December 10, 2020
Endocrine Disruptors: 5 Everyday Chemicals that Might be Impacting your Fertility

Endocrine Disruptors: 5 Everyday Chemicals that Might be Impacting your Fertility

How do endocrine disruptors impact your health? Learn more about these 5 everyday chemicals that affect your fertility including BPA, parabens & pesticides.

TW Fertility Centre November 24, 2020
Dr. Williams Answers Your Most Burning Questions About Male Fertility

Dr. Williams Answers Your Most Burning Questions About Male Fertility

Becoming a father is one of the most rewarding experiences in a man’s life. Although a woman will carry and deliver a baby, healthy sperm is just as important…

TW Fertility Centre November 18, 2020
The Future of Fertility Treatments and Family Building in 2021

The Future of Fertility Treatments and Family Building in 2021

If you're like many Canadians, chances are a majority of your reproductive years are spent trying to avoid an unexpected pregnancy. Once people decide they're ready…

TW Fertility Centre October 22, 2020
Fertility Success Story: Meet Kristin & Greyson ? ?

Fertility Success Story: Meet Kristin & Greyson ? ?

At Dr. Tanya Williams Fertility Centre, we believe that sharing stories of success and perseverance helps inspire others undergoing or considering fertility treatment.…

TW Fertility Centre October 1, 2020
Fertility Treatments 101: Everything You Need To Know About Your Options

Fertility Treatments 101: Everything You Need To Know About Your Options

Wondering what fertility treatment is best for you? Our fertility specialists at Dr. Tanya Williams Fertility Centre have put together a comprehensive guide to fertility…

TW Fertility Centre September 30, 2020
What Even is the "Biological Clock"?

What Even is the "Biological Clock"?

Today, many women don’t think about parenthood until much later in their lives. With so many priorities to juggle, women may choose to delay childbearing while…

TW Fertility Centre September 15, 2020
What You May Not Know About PCOS: Questions and Misconceptions

What You May Not Know About PCOS: Questions and Misconceptions

Do you experience heavy, irregular periods lasting longer than seven days? Or sometimes no period at all? Do you have more hair on your face and chin than most women…

TW Fertility Centre August 31, 2020
Here for a Good Time, Not a Long Time: How Alcohol and Smoking Affect Your Fertility

Here for a Good Time, Not a Long Time: How Alcohol and Smoking Affect Your Fertility

When you’re planning to grow your family, it’s normal to strive to be as healthy as possible. Embarking on this new chapter while trying to get pregnant is a…

TW Fertility Centre August 17, 2020
Can You Tell Fact or Fiction? Debunking Common Fertility Myths Quiz

Can You Tell Fact or Fiction? Debunking Common Fertility Myths Quiz

Starting your journey to parenthood is always a learning curve. Patients who seek fertility treatments are often surprised about how much they didn’t know about…

TW Fertility Centre August 5, 2020
Secondary Infertility: Why It's More Difficult to Have a Baby the Second Time Around

Secondary Infertility: Why It's More Difficult to Have a Baby the Second Time Around

Becoming a parent is one of the greatest joys life can bring. Once you experience parenthood, it’s natural to start thinking about the future.  Deciding on…

TW Fertility Centre July 20, 2020
Let's Talk Stress, Mental Health, and your Fertility

Let's Talk Stress, Mental Health, and your Fertility

In honour of International Self Care Day next week, we want to talk about stress, mental health, and your fertility. Mental health is just as important as physical…

TW Fertility Centre June 16, 2020
Money, Career & Fertility: The Price of Modern Motherhood

Money, Career & Fertility: The Price of Modern Motherhood

The idea that the modern woman can have it all -- a career and a family, a fulfilling professional and personal life -- is a foundational discussion in female…


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